Course Features

  • Over 28,000 Happy Students

    The number one training product that you can get for this exam. Over 28,000 students have enrolled in this so far.

  • Exam specific training

    Targeted to what you need to know to pass. Going through the exam requirements one-by-one to cover everything you need to know.

  • Updated

    Updated monthly as Azure changes or the exam changes. The platform is constantly changing and evolving, and you won't get stuck with an outdated course.

Course Description

V2.2 August 2018 Updates. Adding Hands-On Labs. Added 1 hour of new content on Azure Databases.

Microsoft Azure is a skill in high demand in today's large business marketplace.

  • According to Microsoft, Azure is being used by 85% of the Fortune 500 companies, particularly with their hot Office 365 suite
  • Use of Azure has grown 90% year-over-year
  • Salary survey sites report that Azure Architects earn US$130,000 to US$170,000 per year across the United States
  • Microsoft has more than 100 data centers, across 33 regions and 10 geos, making it one of the largest data centers in the world.

Microsoft has 3 certification tests around Azure, and 4 certifications. This course is the complete study preparation course for 70-535: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions. Passing this test gives you the "Microsoft Specialist: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions" certification.

I'm quite confident that this is the most complete training course targeted specifically at the exam. Microsoft doesn't even have any official training available at this time.

While the technology world is full of "buzzwords" and "flavors of the month", the cloud is a real paradigm shift in the way solutions are designed and architected. There are now so many reasons why you should include Azure cloud technology in your solutions design that there are almost no reasons why not to do it. 

Cost savings is the one that catches the attention of businesses. Some companies are spending millions of dollars per month of their IT infrastructure, and every few years that hardware needs to be repaired and upgraded. Being able to reduce the capital investment and essentially rent powerful equipment on demand is quite a lot of up front savings.

If you add in the scalability, flexibility, and worldwide reach of the cloud, and the technology group sees the potential as well. You can truly do more with less. 

This course goes through all of the requirements of the Microsoft exam 70-535: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions. Multiple videos are devoted to each sub-objective, and we cover the topic thoroughly.

Most of the courses and content you find online assumes you already have expert knowledge of Azure and just tells you what to study, spending only seconds covering entire objectives. I can confidently say this course goes deep on everything you need to know.

If you ARE already an expert at many Azure topics, you can easily skip the sections that you already know and focus on the ones you have not yet had much exposure too. This is the benefit of having the complete course.

Each section has additional web-based resources for you to do further research and expand your knowledge beyond the requirements of the exam.

Enroll today!

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See What the Course Contains

Course curriculum

    1. Deprecated Exam and Course

    2. Course Introduction

    3. Overview of this Course

    4. Meet the Instructor

    5. Connect With Me

    6. Activity: Build a Study Plan

    7. Azure 70-535 Study Plan

    8. Details of the 70-535 Exam

    9. Exam 70-535 Requirements

    10. My Experience with the Exam

    11. Azure Hands-On Labs

    1. From Self Hosting to Cloud Computing

    2. Overview of 100+ Azure Services

    3. Azure Geos and Regions

    1. New 70-535 Updates Coming

    2. Introduction to Virtual Machines

    3. New Azure VM UI

    4. Live Demo: Create a Virtual Machine

    5. Live Demo: Verify Virtual Machine

    6. Assignment: Create a Virtual Machine

    7. Hands-On Labs: Virtual Machines

    8. Availability Sets

    9. Web Apps for Containers

    10. Live Demo: Web Apps for Containers

    11. Virtual Machine Scale Sets VMSS

    12. Live Demo: Virtual Machine Scale Sets

    13. Azure Batch + Azure Batch AI

    14. Migrating On Premises to Azure Virtual Machines

    15. Virtual Machine Reserved Instances

    16. DevTest Labs

    17. Accelerated Networking

    18. Azure Backup

    19. Live Demo: Azure Backup

    20. Azure Site Recovery

    21. Live Demo: Azure Site Recovery

    22. Availability Zones

    1. Introduction to Serverless Architecture

    2. Live Demo: Azure Functions

    3. Functions

    4. Live Demo: Cosmos DB

    5. Cosmos DB

    6. Azure Container Instance (ACI)

    7. Live Demo: Azure Container Instance (ACI)

    8. Logic Apps

    9. Live Demo: Logic Apps

    10. API Management Services

    11. Event Grid

    12. Serverless Stream Processing

    13. Bot Messaging Options

    1. What are Microservices?

    2. Microservices Best Practices for Architecture

    3. When to Use Container-Based Solution

    4. When to Use Container-Orchestration

    5. When to Use Azure Service Fabric (ASF)

    6. When to Use Functions

    7. When to Use API Management

    8. When to Use Web API

    1. Introduction to App Services

    2. Live Demo: Create a Web App

    3. Design Azure App Service Web Apps

    4. Design Custom Web API

    5. Web App Scaling and Performance

    6. Live Demo: Scale Up a Web App

    7. Live Demo: Web App Instances

    8. Web App High Availability

    9. Live Demo: Multi-Region Web Apps

    10. App Service Plans

    11. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

    12. App Service Isolated

    13. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    14. Caching including Redis Cache

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 260 lessons
  • 22.5 hours of video content

The World Needs More Cloud-Trained Superheros

Companies say finding workers with cloud skills is their #1 challenge in 2018. You can put yourself well above the pack by getting the skills that employers are looking for.